No, dog mouths aren't cleaner than ours. They have bacteria, parasites, and hundreds of different species living in them.
Dog's mouth harbors bacteria & parasites from stool, debris & potting soil. Factors: Diet (kibble vs. canned), genetics, environment. Risk factors vary.
avoid dog licking wounds, wash hands, dental care, check stool for parasites, heartworm prevention, wash toys/bedding.
Oral hygiene vital for small breed dogs. They're prone to dental issues and heart disease. Bacteria from gums can cause septicemia and worsen heart conditions.
Brushing dogs' teeth: Start early. Use dog toothbrush or finger brush. Pet-safe toothpaste only. Aim for daily, but every other day works too.
Dental chews and rinses are safe for dogs but less effective than brushing. Rawhides may be a choking hazard. Rinses help with bad breath.