The Luckiest (And Unluckiest) Months Of 2024 By Zodiac Sign


This looks like a year of lucky breaks for you, Aries. July is your best month, with your ruler Mars and lucky Jupiter transiting your house of socializing and communication.


The luck you feel may be more like a sense of relief rather than a jumping-up-and-down feeling, but that's just fine. You Taureans honor stability above all else, and you will feel much more grounded thanks to some big retrogrades ending, leading to money flowing your way


Luck is coming your way in the year ahead, dear Gemini. Jupiter is the planet of good fortune and expansion, and in late May (just in time for your birthday season), it will roll into your sign. If you have been wondering when your career and financial status would jump to the next level, you will be happily surprised by what 2024 brings


You can expect serious issues in your life to come to a head in 2024, Cancer—but in a good way! This won't necessarily be a year of luck for you, but it will definitely be a year of clarity and success. You don't need any surprises.


This is a very lucky year for you, Leo. You just have to remember one thing: Let others take care of you a little bit more. You may want to be captain of every team, but you receive the most fortunate surprises when you hang back a bit. In July,


Virgo, you will find luck in the most surprising ways this year. The big news is that Pluto, planet of self-transformation, moves into your house of daily work, helping you to find the routine and the work path that serve you best


This year is mostly smooth sailing for you, Libra, with intense Pluto moving into fellow air sign Aquarius. You'll find that your rational point of view is more appreciated during these volatile times.


You will feel free to make the home you want in 2024, which is very lucky! Pluto, your ruler, moves into your house of home and family, and so long as you eliminate tensions with your loved ones, you can start a new era on the home front.


The year starts off with a bang in January as Venus and Mars transit your sign, making you lucky in love and in artistic pursuits. The good fortune continues when Pluto hypes up your social life and brings great work connections into your life.

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